LXXXI - The Quareia Magician's Deck
Demonstration videos with translation transcripts
On this page you find videos demonstrating some layouts and the deck in action. We are also working with volunteers on translation transcripts for people to use with the videos.
While there are many people who read and understand English as a second or third language, sometimes listening to a lecture is much harder - speed of speech, accents and so forth can make it difficult to understand what is being said. With this in mind, various Quareia students have been working on transcribing some of the Quareia video lectures into different languages. All of us at Quareia are deeply grateful for hard work that has been put into this translation project. Transcripts will be uploaded as they are finished. They are available in PDF format for download.
Please note: these sample demonstrations and lectures are using the first edition of the LXXXI Quareia deck.
Quareia Deck Lecture 1 The Mystical Map Layout
Lecture one is an explanation of the mystical map layout for the LXXXI Quareia Magicians Deck, a divination deck for magicians and occultists. This deck forms a part of the Quareia Magical course in the Western Mysteries
Quareia Deck Lecture 1 The Mystical Map Layout in Russian Translated into Russian by A and Vladimir M - Click the button for the Russian transcript PDF
Quareia Deck Lecture 2 - A Sample reading using the Quareia LXXXI Deck
This is a sample reading using the Quareia LXXXI Magicians Deck and the Mystical Map Layout. The lecture is by Josephine McCarthy.
This reading looks at the overall life pattern of the magician Franz Bardon, to see the over all reason for his life, what effect he had on the world around him, and what happened to him after his death.
Quareia deck lecture 2 in Russian PDF format
Quareia deck lecture 3 - the Landscape layout in action - a look at the creation of two Golden Dawn temples
Using the Landscape Layout, we will start by looking at the creation of the Golden Dawn Temple #5 - The Horus Temple. We then move on to look at creation of the Isis-Urania temple in London.
This exercise allows us to look at the way the Landscape layout works and how it can be used. It is a good layout to use for situational readings, and also to get a deeper and more magical overview of a situation, place or person.
Quareia deck lecture demonstration 3 - The Landscape Layout: a look at the creation of two Golden Dawn temples. Russian translation PDF